Wednesday 2 January 2013

In the beginning.........12th January 2012

The new garden adventure began on the 12th January 2012 when Pop and I moved from our much loved 116 year old house in inner Hobart and  moved to a 12 year old house in Blackmans Bay.  The old house had very little garden when we arrived and over the next 19 years we had built up a cottage garden full of roses and many other favorite but high maintenance plants. 

My plan for this next garden was to make it as low maintenance as possible.  Azaleas, camellias and rhododendrums were to be the main theme.  The new garden already had a number of these established and so it was just a matter of pulling out everything that didn’t fit into my plan.

After asking the permission of the owner of the new house, we moved all of my loved potted plants and hanging baskets a few days before our official moving day.  When Pop saw the plants assembled in the driveway waiting to be moved ‘ I thought we were moving house not setting up a Nursery!!!’ was heard.  Our son was a great help.  With his station wagon and our car filled to the roof tops we managed to transfer all of the plants in two trips. 

Ruby in the back garden - full of agapanthus, some huge lily that was killing everything around
 it and a daisy that smells like flyspray and seeds like crazy everywhere.  But on the plus side there
were some very pretty penstamins, azaleas and one lone camelia.  The bed at the back of the house
had been a vege garden, but all that remained was a lavendar that had seen better days (and was also seeding
 everywhere) and the remains of a rhubarb. 
the back corner - a large camelia, a lavendar, hydrangia, a daisy bush screaming out to be cut back,
a rose and a few dying azaleas.

the side garden - a burgundy iceberg rose and a fuschia that has a tiny flower

the riverside corner - a large thornless raspberry (sorry but you HAVE to go)
the river side garden - the posts are the underneath of the deck with a few weedy plants a climbingrose that was dropping petals all over the path (looks like a lot of work so you have to go)
a bed of very scruffy carnations beside the path and a bed of roses - some nice ones, but I will try to find them new owners.  There is the remains of a fence and some weeds arranged as a lawn.

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